Saving and Making Money with Vidgo Video Streaming and Snap Delivered Video

Ukraine is a major supplier of wheat to the world. And also Russia produces much of the fertilizer that farmers use to fertilize their fields. So with what’s going on in Ukraine right now with Russia. A lot of that has been disrupted.  I’ve heard reports  from farmers, their price for fertilizers. It’s tripled. And of course, their farm equipment.
Snap Delivered Restaurant Delivery Logo
All requires diesel fuel. So, the price of that is Obviously to anybody been paying attention has gone way up. Okay, so you got a number of different factors and Jamie Dimon head of Chase Bank. On the news talking about  Something not so good happening later this year.
The bottom line is this. There’s a great opportunity right now in  Snap Delivered and Vidgo, so forth. But right now is a great time to contact people approach people just let them know that. Hey, I can be a benefit to you. And of course, I mean, I’m hoping all these experts are greatly wrong. But the point is,
But if they’re not then, hey, you got a leg up because who they going to remember if you stay in contact, these people will seek you out. That’s what I plan on doing. Plus. I just like talking to people meeting people and if it’s done the right way. They’ll remember you and they’ll come back to you if their business or is is hurting, you know.
Later on this year, whatever they’ll come back to you and then it won’t take any effort at all sign him up, get him going, because they’re needing extra revenue and so forth.
I believe, it’s so important to be making these contacts, now approaching businesses, whether the restaurants, what I call feeder businesses, businesses that can feed customers and so forth into the restaurants and so forth. So, but we want to be doing that now,
And if they don’t join with us right off the bat then just, you know, every week or two just fire off another message. To them. It’s over the phone, email. text. Facebook message, whatever. Just fire off another message, keep them in mind. So that, if  something in their business starts to take a down turn, then you’re going to be the first person they call.
So I encourage you to do that in. You want to check out this, get with me? I’ve got show you what I’ve been sending the different feeder businesses right now. And you know, approaching them about not only Vidgo but the Snap Delivered kind of combination thing and can be very effective.
Come join us. We’re going to do some great things here and help a lot of people, you know, we may need to help them sooner than later and you know, whatever it takes baby godspeed. God bless. You have a most wonderful day by now.
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Note: There are no guarantees of specific income with Snap Delivered – your income will largely be based on your efforts.