The Death of Traditional Network Marketing I pray that God will give me the right words Part 2.

Continued from Part 1 – However, even with vision,
You still need money that’s why so many young startups fail. Well in this
I would say doing over $7 Billion dollars in business in less than 2 years means you’re
not hurting for money.

Check out the following video:

Next you need visionary products where you can lock customers in so they don’t
go anywhere else. Nothing is more frustrating to sign up a customer and in 2-3 months
they’re gone.

These products ideally should be necessary products you need every month.

The head of the company needs to show they are more committed to helping the
little guy succeed than just making more money for the owners. This is why the
$7 Billion dollars and growing is so vital. A company under funded or hemorrhaging
sales will too often get desperate and make cut backs, which only furthers its problems.

They have already fronted out in commissions way over $1,000,000 in ERC money and growing.

The company that will soon disrupt the entire home business network marketing industry is Snap and it’s various divisions Snap Delivery, Snap Financial, Snap Entertainment Snap Wellness, and more coming.

Here’s why:
First while Snap Delivered Food delivery and more, is currently way behind the giants
like DoorDash, Uber Eats, etc it is structured  in such a way to eventually dominate
them and it is set up to eventually go international. These others as currently constructed
are not.

Snap Financial ERC- this simply dominates in income any thing else out there right now.

Snap Energy – This is visionary. the next Big ERC. You get a business or residential unit you have them month
after month. They use electric and gas every month and if they’re saving money they aren’t
going anywhere. Plus this will be a great source of referrals.

Snap Health – Health insurance  – more than 80% of all people can get this for under $10 a month.
Once again here’s a product you save the customer money and they’re
not going anywhere.Plus this will be a great source of referrals.

Snap Credit (coming)- with all the issues of people needing restored credit. This can be a real sleeper.

Snap Wellness (coming)- Here they will be offering some great health and wellness products.
That said this by itself I would simply say no thanks, but the fact people in your organization
have the option to order these products just puts more money in your pocket.

Snap Entertainment – While its in its relative infancy right now this has huge growth potential
moving forward with virtual reality gaming plus even the ability to advertise your business as
people play games or watch TV, Etc. Plus with the visionary leadership of its owners they
will be on the forefront of this leading into the future.
What you can count on is people will always want their entertainment. Plus they have a great
connection with a Multi-Billion dollar gaming platform.

More cool info that shows the company is for the little guy not themselves.
They just added more money for the average guy by now paying down 5 levels as just a manager.
And increasing the percentages and adding levels 3-5 as a Supervisor. And increasing the percentages and adding levels 4-5 as a Director.and adding another level as an Executive.

Lastly for now as I expect more to be coming.are the special rewards program which adds great extra rewards like hot tubs, cruises, real estate investments and a lot more.

I welcome any comments pro or con.

Oh and its free to join and free to stay in.

Thank you once again,.

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