Tag Archives: Amazon Fire 7 Tablet

SnapDelivered Food Delivery Opportunity More Restaurant Signup Questions FAQ

Here are some more of the more Frequently Asked Questions FAQ about Restaurants:

How does Snap Delivered make money on $2 per order?

We don’t spend millions on advertising and infrastructure and salaries for no reason. We use the most powerful advertising in the world. Word Of Mouth!! We also have our network of Independent Business Owners that are out spreading the word. Just like restaurants, our goal is to build an amazing business that is a win/win for everyone. Our financial plan is sound and worked when restaurants work with us as true partners unlike those that are just out to take as much money as possible!

What’s the subscription fee to use the tablet software? If any?

There is no monthly fee to use the tablet software. The only fee is when an order goes out of $2.00.

Will drivers be compensated after showing up to pick up an order at a restaurant that is closed?

No, we will not pay a driver if they show up to a restaurant that is closed because this should never happen. If by chance this were to ever happen we will handle it on a case-by-case basis. We will have our staff continually updating our database of restaurants that are closed. If this becomes an issue we can revisit this at a later time.

What would be your response to a restaurant owner or individuals that says that this is just another MLM or pyramid scheme trying to take advantage of local businesses since you are familiar with MLM?

If this statement is made then the person presenting this is not educated on our program. There is no way we can take advantage of anyone at $2 an order. We have structured our pay plan where it rewards those who refer business to Snap Delivered. We do not charge a monthly fee and have people buy a bunch of products they don’t need. Our referral marketing program gives people the ability to earn from the referrals they send and we are saving restaurants millions of dollars while we build income and freedom for millions of others.

How do I set up the tablet for the restaurant ??

If Amazon Fire 7 Tablet – They can use the Snap Delivered Amazon account to register the tablet. Username is support@snapdelivered.com password is Snap2022$

Make sure tablet is set to never go to sleep (Instructions for the Amazon Fire 7 Tablet is in the FAQs)

Log onto the merchant portal and save the site as a favorite or bookmark. Save login info for site

Check menu items and pricing

Update delivery hours

Update banking info

Once all that is completed (Banking info is mandatory) then we can activate the restaurant on the site and app

If it is not an Amazon Fire 7 then please google the instructions for your make and model tablet to be sure the tablet does not go to sleep and then follow the rest of the instructions.

How does a restaurant get a code to sign up customers. They are already signed up as a restaurant?

Once a restaurant is signed up as a merchant, you can have the download the customer app (provide them your code) for them to get their own code to refer customers and drivers.

Where do I send the logos, menus and anything else needed for the restaurants?

Please send all logos, menus, links, etc for the restaurants to merchants@snapdelivered.com

Please join us and help us help so many people create a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.

For More information on if this is for you- Click  Here.

Snap Delivered Opportunity More Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

The following are more of the more frequently asked questions  (FAQ) people ask about the Snap Delivered Ordering and Delivery process.

Snap Delivered Frequently Asked Questions FAQ

Is there one place that everyone has access to recorded calls that are not password protected and that are easy, that we can share with potentials?

There are videos available on vimeo.com


When do drivers get paid?

Currently drivers get paid weekly. Payments go out on Tuesdays. We are working on a daily payment plan.

Where can I see my geneology?

You can see your genealogy in the back office. You can go to snapdeliveredteam.com. If it is your first time there, please click register and add in your information, otherwise just log in.

How do I keep the Amazon Fire Tablet from going to sleep?

Amazon Fire 7 Tablet:

1.Swipe down twice from the top of the screen to see the cog (Settings Menu)

2.From the setting menu click on Device Options towards the bottom

3.Click on About Fire Tablet

4.Click the Serial Number 7 times to unlock the Developer menu

5.Go back to previous screen

6.Click on Developer Options

7.Toggle Stay Awake to On

8. Done

How often does the back office update?

Genealogy updates at noon, 8pm and midnight EST.

How can I tell if my referral code has zero’s or the letter o in it?

Here is a very easy way to see if your referral code has a zero or a letter in it. Click link


Are there options on how you can get paid? What are the mechanics of getting paid? How do I get paid? Do we need to give you a bank account? Or can you receive checks at the address of your choice? Is it a PayPal setup or some other type of auto-pay entity?

In the near future you will be able to get paid through a wallet in the back office. The money will be deposited into that wallet, where you can either use a Snap Delivered branded visa card or you can download it to a bank account of your choosing. Right now our staff will contact those that receive commissions when it is time and ask for banking details where we will deposit commissions.

Can anybody/organization inherit residuals? Residuals for life is great, for my family or favorite cause, or both %’s, after person is ‘gone’ it would be awesome and very satisfying.

You can will or sell your organization to anyone you choose. All qualifications to receive income would still apply and if the levels were not met need to be paid at a certain level they would not get paid.

When do Managers get paid?

Managers get paid by the following schedule: If you sign up

1st – 15th of the month = will be paid by the 22nd of the month

16th to the 30th = will be paid by the 7th of the following month

Watch the above video below and contact me by email sjslifep@mindspring.com or call Toll Free: 1-877-364-8220.

To signup for free as a Restaurant -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as an ERC Agent Rep -Click Here!

To signup for free to get started as a Driver Rep -Click Here!

Referral Code – 0A95D17D should be filled in on the forms.